Keynote lectures and special sessions

Key notes

Opening Jaap Bakker (Rijkswaterstaat), Dan M. Frangopol (Lehigh Univerity)

Welcome to the IALCCE LCM-Workshop 2019. It’s a great opportunity to discuss Life Cycle Management with an international audience of about 100 delegates from 14 countries. There’s much to be learned, and there’s much to be done in practice too. Life Cycle Management is of vital importance to build a sustainable future, fit for future needs, resilient to expected and unexpected events and cost effective over time.


A new way of thinking

This workshop is centered on implementation. We aim to translate the promising perspective of LCM into practice. Despite the development of wonderful tools and methods, the actual application of LCM remains a challenge. This workshop is intended to be the decisive push that changes our way of thinking.. Once again, we will dream!

Special session

Boat tour to Sea lock IJmuiden, Marieke Engelsman (Rijkswaterstaat)

We have successfully organized a spectacular and fascinating boat tour to the world’s largest sea lock, the Sea Lock IJmuiden. This sea lock exemplifies how Life Cycle Management (LCM) thinking can lead to decisions that are future-proof.

The boat tour begins at 8:30 AM, so be sure not to miss it!

We’ll set sail from the hotel to the sea lock. Throughout the journey, our RWS guide will reveal both the known and the hidden secrets of the sea lock. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience.