Plenairy activities – Monday

Opening Jaap Bakker (Rijkswaterstaat), Dan Frangopol (Lehigh University)

The workshop chairs, Jaap Bakker and Dan Frangopol, will welcome you and give you and introduction to the workshop.


Our keynote speaker for the LCM-wokshop is Paul Chun from KLM, the Royal Dutch Airlines. Paul has been a maintenance engineer at KLM for about 40 years. He will explain to us how KLM deals with challenges om LCM. His keynote will focus on  3 main themes:

Value management: Paul explained that maintenance at KLM is not only focused at keeping the performance, they also only try to manage the residual value. KLM sells their planes when they get older. Balancing maintenance costs and  residual value (LCC) is a major topic in maintenance decisions;

Smart maintenance: There are many sensors in airplanes primarily for flight operation but are also used for predictive maintenance. To put additional Sensor systems, add weight to the planes, so KLM looks very critical at the balance between active monitoring (on board) and passive monitoring with external devices.

Changing requirements: Planes need to become cleaner, more quiet and more sustainable. Constantly higher demands are imposed to airlines who want to have landing rights on the major airports. The needed investments in new planes to meet these (current and future) requirements are very high, so these sort of transformations have major impact on the cost. If those investments are postponed too long, the transformation will be too expensive to make in a competitive marked. How does KLM make this transformation, how do they decide when to invest in improvement?

Paul will finalize his presentation with a list of challenges. We will see these challenges are comparable to the sort of challenges we are facing for infrastructure.

During the discussion on Monday  at the end of the day, Paul will reflect on the findings in the theme sessions, and we will look back on the statements and challenges he has given us.


Introduction fortress island

You will be introduced to the history of the fortress island, related to the topic of life cycle management.

Daily wrap up

Together we will discuss the most important findings of all the theme sessions.

Plenairy activities – Tuesday

Boat excursion

We have organized a boat tour to the world’s largest sealock, the Sea Lock IJmuiden and to Europe’s largest pumping station and discharge sluces. The discharge sluces and the pumping station togehter ensure the discharge of 3 billion m^3 of water annually, keeping the Netherlands from flooding.


The boat tour begins at 08:30 AM, so be sure not to miss it!

Plenary opening

After arriving on the fortress island, your chairs will open the second workshop day.

Life Cycle Mangement issues for the sluces and pumping station IJmuiden – Marieke Engelsman

Marieke Engelsmand from Rijkswaterstaat will give a presentation on the objects visited during the boat excursion. We will hear how clmiate change affects current and future performance of these objects.

Discussion – Alexander Bakker

Alexander Bakker will present a broader view on the issue of climate change and will lead an interactive discussion on the Life Cycle perspectives.

Closing ceremony

Chairs Jaap Bakker and Dan Frangopol will look back on the workshop, lead the final discussion and close the workshop.