Call for Abstracts

Scientist and practitioners are invited to bring in abstracts (one-page maximum, see template) with their solutions to manage Life Cycle Risks, Life Cycle Cost and Life Cycle Performance for the workshop topics. We are looking for creative thinkers with brilliant ideas, who will make the future happen and are willing to discuss this, regardless of their background. Any form is welcome; inspiring research results, practical prove of concepts, successful experiences and great failures, and more. Great ideas and provoking statements for discussion are just as welcome as great research results!

The abstracts will be reviewed and evaluated on their relevance towards the mentioned focus points. The best ideas and solutions will be invited for an oral presentation. Other accepted contributions will be requested to present their ideas in a poster session and are offered to pitch them in a plenary session. Contributors are not required to write a paper.

Please send us your abstract no later than August 26th, 2024.

Abstract Coordination

Andreas Hartmann and Alexander Bakker (email:

Other important dates

  • Abstract submission open: April 1st, 2024
  • Abstract submission deadline: August 26th, 2024
  • Abstract acceptance: August 30th,  2024
  • Registration deadline: September 6th, 2024
  • IALCCE LCM-workshop 2024: October 6th – 8th 2024
